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CMS (Content Management System)
A content management system (CMS) is a software program [application] used to manage the content of a website. A CMS allows the content manager or author of the website, who may not know HTML the programming language used for the web, to create, modify, remove and organize the information and pictures on their website.

Content is the fundamental information in page, as distinguished from its presentation or style or form.


Delivery is another term for the final step in the CMS that publishes the pages. The delivery servers are sometimes called production servers, which is often confused with the production of content (usually called development). Delivery servers are often caching servers, and they may only provide "static" versions of pages that were generated from "dynamic" pages.
Personalization of pages requires that Delivery be from dynamic servers.

Dynamic HTML enables to create basic animations.

Domain Name
A domain name locates an organization or other entity on the Internet. For example, the domain name www.xitex.net locates an Internet address for "Xitex.net"


An extranet is a private network that uses the Internet protocol and the public telecommunication system to securely share part of a business's information or operations with suppliers, vendors, partners, customers, or other businesses.


FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
File Transfer Protocol (FTP), a standard Internet protocol, is the simplest way to exchange files between computers on the Internet. Like the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which transfers displayable Web pages and related files, and the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), which transfers e-mail, FTP is an application protocol that uses the Internet's TCP/IP protocols. FTP is commonly used to transfer Web page files from their creator to the computer that acts as their server for everyone on the Internet. It's also commonly used to download programs and other files to your computer from other servers.


GUI (Graphical User Interface)
A GUI (usually pronounced GOO-ee) is a graphical (rather than purely textual) user interface to a computer. As you read this, you are looking at the GUI or graphical user interface of your particular Web browser. The term came into existence because the first interactive user interfaces to computers were not graphical; they were text-and-keyboard oriented and usually consisted of commands you had to remember and computer responses that were infamously brief.


HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
Is the set of markup symbols or codes inserted in a file intended for display on a World Wide Web browser page. The markup tells the Web browser how to display a Web page's words and images for the user.

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
Is the set of rules for exchanging files (text, graphic images, sound, video, and other multimedia files) on the World Wide Web. Relative to the TCP/IP suite of protocols (which are the basis for information exchange on the Internet), HTTP is an application protocol.

Is an icon, graphic or word on a web page that, when clicked with the mouse, automatically links the user to another page.


A network within a company or organization that employs the same protocol as the Internet. One can think an intranet as a private version of the Internet that allows people within an organization to exchange information and data and is usually protected by a firewall.

IP(Internet Protocol)
Internet Protocol. Is the address of a computer on a TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) network. IP addresses are written as four groups of numbers separated by periods. An example of an IP address is

ISP (Internet Service Provider)
Companies that provides users with access to the Internet. ISPs usually have several servers and a high-speed link to the Internet backbone.


A programming language, similar to C++, developed by Sun Microsystems for developing applets to be run on any computer regardless of the operating system. It is considered an operating system independent language.

is a scripting language developed by Netscape Communications that brings interactivity to the world wide web and the pages that reside on the web.


As part of the HEAD of an HTML document, this tag provides information that describes the document in various ways. It contains valuable information for search robots to use in adding your web pages to their search indexes.

Metadata is data that accompanies a piece of content. It describes the content, and might provide optional information like a caption, abstract, or keywords for search engines. It could include a creation date, publication date, and expiry date. Video data could include camera settings, times and geographical data of the shoot, cameraperson and editor names, etc. It could include copyright information and terms of use. Document metadata might include the full list of the Dublin Core ontology properties. It is usually stored in a relational database or an object-oriented database (the CMS Repository).

Multilingual (Globalization, Localization, Translation)
Multilingual websites can serve pages in a specific language requested by the browser. They must have translated/localized pages on the server for each language supported. The server must recognize the browser's language request. Globalized websites attempt to server multiple cultures and languages with a single page. Localized websites are completely customized to fit a local culture (a locale), it involves much more than language translation.
A multilingual CMS needs a workflow system that notifies localizers, perhaps in different countries around the world, of the existence of new pages that must be localized.


RAM (random access memory)
Is the place in a computer where the operating system, application programs and data reside so that they can be accessed quickly by the computer's processor.

A JavaScript technique in which one image is replaced by a second image when a mouse is passed over it.


Search engine
is a program that searches the web for documents for specified keywords and returns a list of these documents where the keywords were found.

Secure server
A web server that uses encryption to prevent others from reading messages to or from your browser. Web-based shopping sites usually use secure servers so others can't intercept your ordering information.

Site architecture
The structure of a web site. It reflects how information is organized, including categories, subsites, labeling and other relationships.

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. Method by which e-mail is delivered from one computer to another.

SSL (Secure Socket Layer)
A security protocol methodology designed to create a secure connection to the server for the transmission of confidential data through the Internet. SSL uses public key encryption, one of the industry's strongest encryption methods, to protect data as it travels over the Internet. Originally created by Netscape.


Tagging refers to adding style information or semantic information to a piece of content with HTML or XML tag attributes or unique style or semantic tags. Tags are the delimited markup information that surrounds content, e.g., . Most CM systems have created their own proprietary tag names and delimiters to indicate sites in a content template where a content element is to be embedded. (See Templates) The tag is then replaced by the actual content element for delivery as HTML, for example.
Modern XML-style tags can be variables or containers and can include attributes that are validated by an DTD or XSD schema document.

A Template carries the Presentation information, including Style and Positioning. The Template Editor lets you create layouts - usually an arrangement of blocks on the page.
Into these blocks go the content elements or content objects, which could be HTML or XML fragments, RSS news feeds and other remote server-driven applications (servlets), or client-side application programs (applets). Each block (or just a span) is indicated by delimiting tags, usually in the style of their application framework. ASP tags look like , Blogger, etc. The new trend is to use XML-style tags defined in a namespace, like
The Template is sometimes described as a Portal in which case the content objects are sometimes called Portlets.


An operating system developed by Bell Laboratories during the late 1960s and early 1970s.

URL (uniform resource locator)
also commonly called a location or address. This is an addressing system that locates documents on the Internet.


Web Publishing
"Web Publishing" is another name for Content Management. Major features include scheduling content onto the web, searching all page files, infinite undo and backups, and archiving all pages to preserve institutional memory. Documents need not be HTML web pages, but today the majority of documents in a web-based publishing system are in HTML or XML formats.

Web Server
A computer which fetches serves or stores World Wide Web pages and provides them over the Internet on request.

Workflow (Notification, Roles)
Workflow is the management of who exactly is working on a content element or template, what exactly they are doing, and when. The workflow reporting system sends messages to others working on a page, with details of actions taken. Different workers can have assigned Roles. Notification may be sent to the Roles rather than the individuals.
Typical roles are writers, copy editors, editors, illustrators, graphic artists, rights clearance managers, (multilingual) localizers, and publishers.

(What You See Is What You Get; "whizy-wig").
Means that the way you format and type content or where you place images or tables on the computer screen is exactly as they will appear when displayed on the printed page or website.


XML (eXtensible Markup Language)
A standard recommended by the WC3 for defining new document types, as well as user-defined or application-specific tags to extend the capabilities of HTML.

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