Creation of web sites, editing of attributes

Only system administrator performs those actions.

In order to create the new web site you should open the menu Sites on the tab Administration.

Toolbar of the menu Sites:

Create — creation of a new web site.
Attr — attributes editing of web site marked in the list.
Delete — deletion of marked in the list web site from the system.
Backup/Rollback — Creation of reserve copy of web site and renewal of web site if necessary.

Creation of a new web site

Creation of a new web site is possible if there is at least one free web site administrator. In order to create the user with the role "web site administrator" you can use the tab Users.

In order to create the new web site, please, press the button Create. The window for assignment of attributes for the new web site will be open. Please fill in following lines:
  • Site name — web site pseudonym in the system.
  • Domain name — domain name of web site in Internet.
  • SMTP host — domain name or post server IP-address of web site.
  • SMTP port — port number of the post server.
  • SMTP authentication — a mark is entered in the presence of the authentification on your post server.
  • SMTP login — a login that the system use during authentification on post server.
  • SMTP password — a password that the system use during authentification on post server.
  • Administrator — web site administrator.
  • Language — selection of the language will be set by the system at default when the visitor enters web site.

Press the button ÎÊ. The line with created web site appears in the list.

Editing of web sites attributes

In order to edit attributes of already created web site please place the mark in its line in the list of web sites.

Press the button Attr. The window for editing of web site attributes with lines named above will open. You can bring in any changes into lines. Press OK, changes will be stored in the system.

For full deletion of web site from the system, please, place the mark in the line with required web site. Press the button Delete. Marked web site will be deleted from the system.

Attention! You should be careful with this action. Information of deleted web site can not be reconstructed.

Reserve keeping and reconstruction of web sites

It is possible to save a copy of the web site in current state within the system. It could be used in the case if its full reconstruction is required.

Open Sitesmenu at tab Administration.

In order to built a reserve copy of the web site you have to:

  1. Chose a web site in the list and mark it.
  2. Click Backup/rollback.
  3. Then enter the name in line Backup name which will be given to a copy of the web site.
  4. ClickBackup.
  5. 5. Built copy of the web site will be kept within the system under this name.
Site reconstruction, if safe copy is existed:
  1. Chose a web site in the list and mark it.
  2. Click Backup/rollback.
  3. Then enter the name in line Backup name which will be given to a copy of the web site.
  4. Before performing the reconstruction warn all the users about it, which are currently working within the system. There is a list of those users within the system as well.
  5. The click the button Rollback.
If cancellation of reserving or reconstruction is required on any stage of the process click the button Cancel.