Creation and usage of resource set

For working with templates and pages you need a set of resources created in other programs. The system Xitex WebContent M1 has means for the creation of such resource set. It can be practically any types of computer information: text and graphical information, audio, video and other materials.

In order to place resources in the system, please open the tab Resources. There is an open for you part of web site “tree” at the left. You can place your own resource set in these sections. In the right table there is a resource list of the section marked at the left by means of the red color.

Toolbar of the tab Resources:

Attributes — change of resource attributes.
Preview — preview regime in the browser or another device.
Copy/Move — resource copying and moving from one to another section.
Download — resource copying from the section to the user computer.
Delete — removal of resource from the section.

Upload of resources

  1. On web site tree please mark the section where the resource will be uploaded by means of the red color.
  2. In the line Upload enter the complete address of the being uploaded resource.
  3. You can do it by means of the search for a file, click on the button Browse.
  4. Click OK, and the resource will be placed to the selected section.
  5. A size of uploading resource shouldn't be more than 1 MB.
Table with a resource list contains columns with their attributes. The content of columns is following:
  • Resource name — name that resource possesses in the system.
  • File name — name of the file where the resource was before the upload.
  • Size — size of the resource in bytes.
  • Type — computer file type of the resource.
  • Date — date of the upload of the resource to the system.

Change of resource attributes

By the upload all attributes of the resource are appointed by default in accordance with features of the selected file. In order to change them please press the button Edit attributes. The window appears where you can change the file name, resource name, as well as resource type from the drop-down list.
It is necessary to draw attention: names of recourses and files may consists only of symbols of English alphabet, digits, underline sign or dot. Blanks are not allowed. Ends like ".jsp" or ".do" are not allowed within these names. On this rule violation the system will propose you to change it correctly.

Copying from resource list

After creation of resource list, they will be available for user by work with templates or pages in correspondent sections. You can copy any resource available in the list to your computer for revision or any other usage.

In that case, please mark the line with resource selected as to be moved and press the button Download. At that, the standard browser procedure is initialized as regards the saving of this resource with assignment of the path, name and type of the file.