List of roles assigned for users in the system Xitex WebContent M1

Name of the role User rights by working in the system
System administrator System installing and its control, appointment of web site administrators.
Site admin Head of web site has the right to appoint all users of one web site.
Section admin Head of one of work directions, has all rights, including the appointment of users within his sections.
Editor Has right to approve (publish) or decline pages within his sections and has all rights of Trusted author.
Trusted author Has right to ratify only his pages on his own and possesses all rights of Author.
Author Creates pages and has right to review pages of his section in the regime of editing, has right to use ready templates and resources.
Webmaster Creates templates, has right to use and edit resources.
Designer Creates a set of resources, has right to manage all resources of web site.
Adjustable This role is used only when additional adjustment of users rights is required. The role is set by the system automatically if the set of appointed users rights did not correspond to any of system roles.