Error page

On your web-site the error page can be created. It will be represented in case of the navigation error while the user is reviewing the web-site. If at that (for example, by the misstatement of the address) the user has not access to the required page, the system will represent the error page with the message for the visitor.
Such page can be created in any section of web-site, see Creation of pages and acting with them .

After creation of the error page with the status "draft" or "published", please go to the tab Administration.
Open the menu Error page.

Toolbar of the menu Error page:

Apply — conferment of the page's status "error page".
Edit — correction of the page in the visual editor.
View — view of the page in the browser.
Languages — work with language realizations of the error page.

The list of all web-site's pages will open in this window. In order to select the error page in the list, you can apply the filtration of pages.

For assignment of the selected page as the error page please press the button Apply. The selected page will receive the status "error page".

In all other respects the page does not differ from any page of web-site. All other actions with it are absolutely identical.