Creating of pages and acting with them

Select the menu Pages on the tab Site. The window in a table form with the list of web site pages appears on the screen. Content of the list is determined by user' s rights.

Toolbar of the menu Pages:

New — creating of the new page.
Edit — editing of the page in the visual editor.
Edit attributes — editing of page attributes.
View — review of the page in the browser.
Versions — review and work with previous versions of pages.
Delete — removal of marked pages.
Languages — creating of language realizations.
Search — transfer to the menu Search, the search of pages is going with key features.

Creating of a new page

  1. Click New. The window for determining of new page attributes appears.
  2. Fill in following fields:
    • Name — the name of page;
    • Section — the name of section where the page will be placed;
    • Title — the title of the page in the browser;
    • Z-index — number of page location in menu;
    • URL name — page's name for Internet link;
    • The date of publication — the begin and end date of publication on web site;
    • Resume — brief characteristics of the page (not necessary);
    • Load the image — the address of graphic element for possible usage in the module “news tape”;
    • Image — visibility of the loaded image on the page;
    • Availability — visibility of the page on site;
    • News page — the assignment of a page as news page.
    • The main page of the section — appointment of the main page in the section.
    • Protected page — having set this mark the page will be accessible only for the limited number of users .
    URL name will be used as corresponding (last) element of URL-address of the page.

    This name may consists only of symbols of English alphabet, digits, underline sign or dot. Blanks are not allowed. Ends like ".jsp" or ".do" are not allowed within these names. On this rule violation the system will propose you to change it correctly.

  3. After infill of fields press the button OK. The table with a list of templates available in the system appears on the screen.
  4. You should mark the template, on which base the page will be created.
  5. Press OK. The system pass to the window of review and editing of page. (See "Editing of pages".)
  6. After ending of text entry you terminate visual (WYSIWYG) editor than new page be in the pages list.

    When you exit from the visual editor you can select a variant of actions with a page:
    • Save as draft — the page is placed in the common list and will have the status draft;
    • Ready to approval — the message that the page is ready for examination of the editor;
    • Publish page on site— the page get the status Published and may become visibility for visitors;
    • Back — exit from the window of review and editing without changing the status of the page.

    Third variant is possible only by having the right to publishing of pages.

Editing of pages

  1. For editing of before created page please enter the mark in its line and click Edit. The system goes to the window of page review and editing. Places and area frames edited by the visual editor are marked in this window. You can “recognize” the being edited area so: there is a call button for the visual editor in the left upper corner of each area.
  2. Select the being edited area on the page, click on the button there.

    After that, one of visual editors will be launched: M1 Word or M1 Word.Java. The choice of the editor is set on the tab Profile. Difference between editors is stated in the documentation.
  3. After exit from the visual editor, the author of the page can choose one of three actions with a page:
    • Save as draft — the page is placed in the general list and receives the status draft;
    • Ready for approval of the editor — message about the page readiness for examination of the editor;
    • Back — exit from the review and editing window without changing of the page status.

Correcting of attributes

In order to change attributes of the page place the mark in its line and press the button Edit attributes. The window with page attributes appears on the screen again. Actions on correcting of page attributes are similar to ones by creating of pages.


Review of pages

Review of the current page version.

Place the mark in the line of pages list and press the button View. The exit from the review — by means of the button “Back” in the browser.


Search for pages and the work with versions

For convenience of work in the menu Pages there are actions on search for pages and operating with their previous versions. Buttons Search and Versions are provided for such actions. After pressing the button Search the system goes to the menu Search. The action of the button Versions is absolutely similar to the action of the same button in the menu Templates.


Removal of pages

Actions on removal of one or some pages.

Draw your attention to the fact that pages after removal can not be reconstructed.

For removal you place marks in the line or lines of being deleted pages and press the button Delete. The inquiry on confirmation of the removal follows after it, after confirmation marked pages are deleted from the system and the list in the menu Pages.


Creation of language realizations for pages

The system Xitex WebContent M1 allows to prepare some page realizations in different languages.

  1. The creations of language realization begins after distinguishing of the page and pressing the button Languages.
  2. At that the window opens the analogical to the window of page creating according to its appearance and actions, but it has else the list of language realizations.
  3. For new realization please click Add.
  4. In the appeared window you should state page attributes where in place of the page name you choose the language from the offered list.
  5. Further the formation of additional page realization is performed much as during its creating.
  6. After exit from the WYSIWYG editor, the immediate language realization of the template appears in the list of language realizations of the page.
Each language realization will be used when web site visitor selects this language.

Language of page realization can be chosen only from the number of language realizations for the template, on which base this page is created.
