Creation of system users

Select the menu Users on the tab of the same name.

The window with a table in the centre of it will be opened on the screen. The infill of the table occurs as far as system users are created.

In the columns of the table the system will input the information about the created user: his system login, role, and name.
There are also two columns with system attributes of the user:
  • Permit — the right to work within the system.
  • On-line — whether the user is working with the system at the present moment or not.
Toolbar of the menu Users:

Add — creation of the new user.
Settings — editing of user attributes.
Rights — assignment of user rights differing from ones stated by the system.
Membership — belonging to one or some user groups.
Delete — the removal of one or some marked users.

To create a new user:
  1. Click Add.
  2. The window for infill of information about the new user will appear on the screen.

    User data are presented like a questionnaire in the case of need with a photo. The content of the most entered lines is clear from their titles.
  3. In the line Role select one of roles suggested by the system in accordance with future function of the user.
  4. If the user will work with the system limited time, state the period of work in the line Term.
  5. In the line Permit the mark placed at the moment when the user is allowed to enter into the system. If this mark is removed, the system entry will be prohibited.
  6. In the line Upload photo tyou can to enter the file address with a photo. In order that to place the photo click Set.
  7. Besides main data you can enter the additional information about the user.

    Press the button Additional, and the system goes to the window Additional data. It is analogous to the main window, but it has the other set of lines to be filled out. Their content is clear from their titles, after infill press the button Main to return to the window of main data. The entry of additional data is not obligatory.
  8. After you filled out all lines, click OK.
  9. The window with a table appears with the created system user added in the list.

See also: editing of users attributes