Editing of users attributes

Actions are performed by means of buttons on the tab Users.

Changing of user data

Place the mark in user line and click Settings..

The window with main user data will appear on the screen. Any changes can be brought in there. If there are any additional data, by means of the button Additional you can edit these data, too. The procedure is finished when you click OK.

At any stage the editing of attributes can be canceled, if you click Cancel.

Changing of user rights

By selecting user role the system defines the complex of his rights. Sometimes a kind of user rights might be changed.

Account must be taken of the fact that any change of user rights gives rise to appropriate system actions. At that two variants are possible.

If the new set or rights coincides with the set of rights of the other system role, then the user will be given this new role. For instance, the Author will be given the right to approve pages, then he is a Trusted author according to his rights. If the complex of rights does not match the complex of rights of any system role, he is given the role and the name Customized.

To change user rights place the mark in his/her line and press the button Rights.

In the appeared window there is a heading with the user name. Below it there is a vertical row of tables where the sets of rights destined for the user are grouped. Place a mark: Permit or Prohibit opposite the corresponding right.

If there is no mark of permission or prohibition, then this right is not available for the user until he enters any group.

For lines that has no marks there are applying rights of the group what the user belongs to.

Addition of user to groups

User can be added to one or some groups or, on the contrary, deleted from groups what he/she entered.

Click Membership. There are two lists in the opened window. In the first list there are groups what this user already belongs to. There are all rest groups in the second list.

For addition of a user to the group or removal from the group you can transfer him from one list to another at your discretion by means of buttons  .

After transference, click OK in order to store modifications. If you click Cancel changes will not be stored.

Actions with user list

If there is a large quantity of users, you can limit the list by means of the filtering and sorting. For that you should fulfill some settings in the line above the table.

Firstly, switch off the filter (), if it was switched on before. Then enter, please, user attributes that limit the list in the needed way in fields above columns of the table. Each field corresponds to the attribute represented in the column what is placed above this field. After that switch on the filter (), the list reduced in accordance with stated restrictions will remain in the table.

If you need the users list can be sorted according to any of attributes. For that press the heading of the corresponding column, i.e. Login, Role or another heading. If you repress the heading of the column, then sorting will be made in the reverse order, i.e. “descending”.

The sign () near the heading of one of columns shows on what attribute and in what order users are sorted.

See also: creation of system users