
Main menu of template editor M1 HTMLCoder.Java
— Template saving and exit
— Action on the text editing
— Representation of the page in the browser
— Element insertion into the text
— Selection of elements for creation of HTML-code
Menu File
Save template as draft Template saving with prohibition of pages creation on basis of it
Save template Template saving with permission of pages creation on basis of it
Save template as... Saving of template copy under the other name
Exit End of work in the editorM1 HTMLCoder.Java
Menu Edit
Undo cancellation of the last entry into the text
Return of the last cancelled action
Cut Removal of the marked fragment with its copying to the buffer
Copy Copying of the marked fragment to the buffer
Paste Insertion from the buffer in the place where the indicator is placed in the text
Find Search for the code by means of the stated symbols set
Find and replace Search of the code with replacement to the before stated text
Selrct all Highlighting of the whole code
Delete Removal of the selected fragment
Menu View
Preview in Systemn Browser View of all the page in browser
Menu Insert
HyperLink A hyperlink to the Internet resource
InnerLink A link to inner page of web site
Image Insertion of graphic objects
Resource Insertion of resources of any type
Module Insertion of web site component as a prepared module
Menu Tag
Editable reion Reservation of a place on the page for editing by visual editor
Entry of comment text
Tag Selection and entry of tag-types elements
All tags to upper register
Conversion of all the descriptors in capital letter
All the tags to lower register Conversion of all the descriptor in capital letter

See also: Templates editing