Template editing

Template editor M1 HTMLCoder.Java enables you to create and edit text in HTML-code in the convenient and simple way.

Before start of the editor the inquire window appears concerning verification of the editor on your computer. For the most valuable work in the system you should select the answer Grant always. By this answer there will be no verification inquires in next work seances. Other variants of the answer are possible where the work of the visual editor will be limited:
  • Grant this session — work with editor only in the current session;
  • Deny — cancellation of verification, your work possibilities will be limited;
  • View Certificate — view of certificate.
After the answer to verification inquire the editor window opens on the screen.

All work is performed through some menus:

  • File — template saving and exit;
  • Edit — action on the text editing;
  • View — representation of the page in the browser;
  • Insert — element insertion into the text;
  • Tag — selection of elements for creation of HTML-code.

Menu File

Saving of the prepared material is performed in the system. For that choose one of two actions in the menu File:
  • Save template as draft
  • Save template
After that the template receives the status Draft or Ready.

In order to exit from the editor choose the action Exit in the same menu.


Menu Edit

In the menu Edit you can carry out such actions with the text.
  • Undo— cancellation of the last entry into the text;
  • Redo — return of the last cancelled action;
  • Cut — removal of the marked fragment with its copying to the buffer;
  • Copy — copying of the marked fragment to the buffer;
  • Paste — insertion from the buffer in the place where the indicator is placed in the text;
  • Find — search for the text by means of the stated symbols set;
  • Find and replace— search of the text with replacement to the before stated text;
  • Select all — marking of the whole text;
  • Delete — removal of the marked fragment.


Menu View

Template review by means of the browser.

For review of the page in the current form please select the menu View and press Preview in browser. The current view of the page will be shown in the separate browser window. After review you can close the window of the browser.


Menu Insert

Insertion of the external link

  1. In the form offered by the system please fill in such fields:
    • Address in Internet — resource address in Internet with elements of protocol, for example, http://..., ftp://..., //….
    • Text of the link — text placed directly in the area of the link disposal.
    • Target — variants of resource disposal after transition in the browser:

      _blank in the new window;
      _parent in the parent window;
      _self in the same window;
      _top in the first opened window.
    • Tab Index — order of elements activization according the key <Tab>.
    • Title — text of the pop-up message.
    • Access key — key or key combination for activization of this link.
  2. In order to check the correctness of the resource address, please place the mark in the line Check the existing of this address in Internet .
  3. Press OK.

Insertion of the link to web site page

This is action is analogical to the previous one. Here you can create the link in order to go the resource of the internal structure of web site.
  1. In the opened window mark the page for transition on web site tree.
  2. In the lower line please enter the text of this link.
  3. Press OK.

Insertion of the image

Select the required image in the list. In the process of selection you can scale the image. Mark the image in the list and press the button OK. The image will be placed in the template.

Insertion of the resource

This action differs from the insertion of the image only in the following thing that you can insert from the list the resource of any format.

Insertion of the module

In the template there is placed a page component from the set of specially prepared for this purpose modules.

Procedures of module preparation and insertion are set forth in the accompanying documentation too.

By insertion of the module into the template the type of template encoding might be the same as the type used by creation of the module.


Menu Tag

In this menu you can carry out actions facilitating the entry of HTML-code.
  • Template (DreamWeaver) — insertion of the fragment belonging to DreamWeaver type, by page creation the being edited area will be placed there.
  • Comment — entry of the commentary.
  • Tags list— action for selection and entry of elements of the type “tags”
  • All tags to upper (lower) register — by selection of one of these actions, all tags entered on this page will be changed so, quasi they were entered by the keystroke <Caps Lock> (upper register), or in lower-case format (lower register).


See also: Toolbar