
Main menu of M1 Word.Java editor
— storing of the information and exit from the editor;
— cancellation of operations, copying, deleting and text highlighting
— the view of the text in different formats
— insert links and other elements
— actions on text formatting
— creating and editing of tables
— receipt of the quick help during the work
Menu File
Save Saving of the content of the being edited area are performed
Exit End of work in the editor
Menu Edit
Undo Cancellation of the last performed action
Redo Repetition of the action after its cancellation
Cut Removal of page fragment with copying to the buffer store
Copy Copying of page fragment to the buffer store
Paste Insertion of page fragment from the buffer store.
Select all Highlighting all the editable area
Delete Deletion of highlighted area of the page
Paste as text Text insertion without tags
Paste from Word Fragment insertion from MS Word editor
Delete the tags Deletion of HTML-coding from a page
Autoformat Deletion of incorrectlyworking codes
Menu View
Web-Document Page representation in the form of HTML-code
Prev. in Sys.Browser View of all the page in browser
Menu Insert
HyperLink A hyperlink to the Internet resource
InnerLink A link to inner page of web site
Symbol Insertion of a symbol into text information
Image Insertion of graphic objects
Resource Insertion of resources of any type
Horizontal rule Horizontal line on the whole page width
Insert Break Insertion of line feed in the text
        List Transformation of text lines as a numbered or unordered list
Menu Format
Formatting Formatting of highlighted text fragment
Appointment of the font type from fonts available in the list
Font size Appointment of the font size for the highlighted text fragment
        Format of the indent
Styles for headlines and paragraphs
Foreground Color Color change for highlighted text fragment
Background Color Color change for background of highlighted text fragment
        Justify Positioning of text on the page
        Indent Arrangement and correction of indent in line ends
Make link Assignment of text fragment as a hyperlink in Internet
Unlink Removing of assigned hyperlink
Menu Table
Insert Table Creation of new table, appointment of its parameters
Insert Data Cell Cell insertion in pointed place of the table
Delete Data Cell Removing of cell selected in the table
Insert Data Cell In New Row        Addition of cell in next row of the table

See also: Page editing