M1.WizardMenu moduleThe system Xitex WebContent M1 gives an opportunity to make and place a menu on the web-site, which consist both of one and several levels. For that you have to create module M1.WizardMenu.
After entering into the module creation procedure, you have to choose module type of "M1.WizardMenu" in the list.
Entry of new module data
- In the top line Name enter the name of this module.
- In case of creation of simple level menu please tick the line Create simple instance.
The structure of menu, which is creating
- Click Change. The system will open the window for building of menu elements structure.
- Please highlight at the left columnSite tree required section, where is an object for connection with menu element.
- In the right column Selected elements the list of elements is made.
- Mark the corresponding object in the middle column and push the button
. The Address of the object will be placed in the right column of menu elements.
- If necessary you can remove any element out of the list, you only have to mark it and click
- After having created the list of elements, click OK.
Building of menu styles
- You have to click Styleto build it. The window for style determination is to be opened.
- Enter name of a style into the line Style name.
- Entering lines are as follows:
- Mouse off font color — a permanent color of face.
- Mouse off background color — a permanent color of background.
- Mouse on font color — a font color by approaching the mouse indicator.
- Mouse on background color — a background color by approaching the mouse indicator.
- Menu border color — a color of the line, which bounds an element of menu.
- Font size — a font size of elements names; to be enter in pixels, checkmarks (MS Word) or millimeters.
- High 3d color — a color of the top part of cubic frame of an element.
- Low 3d color — a color of bottom part of cubic frame of an element.
- Font name — a style of the determined style.
- Menu item padding — a size of standoff, which is to be made from the name up borderline.
- Border3d & separator bar — it is an availability of cubic frame as for elements.
- Font style — (normal) or (italic).
- Font weight — (normal) or (bold).
- Having filled the line out click OK
- It is possible to delete any non-required style by the key Delete.
Assignment of the menu attributes
- Click on Attributes. The window of attribute assignment will appear.
- Infill fields with menu attributes:
- Menu top — distance from top border of a page to menu in pixels.
- Menu left — space from left border of the page to menu in pixels.
- Menu width — width of the menu, presented in pixels.
- Screen position — menu positioning, horizontal (center, left hand, right hand) and vertical (middle, top, bottom).
- Style name — one of styles which you have created.
- Text align — text location in menu.
- Always visible — menu displaying: constant or by approaching the mouse indicator.
- Follow scrolling — possibility of menu to move after running pointer of the display pan.
- Horizontal menu — menu type: horizontal or vertical.
- Keep alive — as for menu, which is not displayed permanently, it appears by taking the mouse pointer away.
- Open on click — menu appearance after approaching a pointer to it and pressing of the left button of the mouse.
- If all attributes of the menu are entered, click on OK
Click OK to finish the procedure. The name of module is in the module list.
Enter of submenu attributes
- Point the mark by your menu in module list and click Edit.
- On the bottom of the window in a line Submenu max depth chose lower level of displayed menus.
- Parameters of each submenus are settled as follows. In the line of a submenu of this level ("submenu 1", "submenu 2" or other) chose the name of your menu. After that, assign new attributes for this submenu. Then chose the next submenu by the same way, assign its attributes and so on.
- Click on OK. Module M1.WizardMenu menu is ready for using on web-site.