Ì1.Breadcrumbs module

Module Ì1.Breadcrumbs displays the information as for current page on the web-site represented by the chain of elements of the web-site structure. The first in the system is the section of upper level, further there is the path up to the present page on consequent opening of the submenus of bottom levels.

After the entrance in modules creation procedure please chose module type "M1.Breadcrumbs".

Lines to infill:

  • Module's name — name of being built module.
  • Create name's sizes — number of symbols of one element in the chain of displayed path.
  • Creation reference's style — code for reference display on each of elements.
  • Create dividing symbol selection — symbol or a set of symbols for separation between symbols.
  • Create mainpag's name — upon necessity, in this field you can enter a name of the first element (at the place of root section of the web-site).

Having filled in the fields click Save.

See also: Modules in Xitex WebContent M1