M1.Forum module

On your web-site you can grant the opportunity for your guests to create the forums for intercommunication on different subjects. Such communication form of the guests makes an interest for your web-site of great quantity of Internet users.

This possibility is provided for you by the module M1.Forum. For its creation chose module type "M1.Forum".

Module creation

Content of fields of being filled lines:
  • Module name — name of being built module.
  • The number of symbols in the message theme — quantity of symbols in the issue line, which is to be filled by initiator of a new issue of the forum.
  • Language — language of forum texts.

After having entered this information click ÎÊ.

Display and operation of the module of the web-site

Here registered guests can enter their names, passwords and get the forum, having clicked the key Enter. Those who are not registered yet as an participator of the forum can do it, they can click the key New and pass the registration through.

Upon registration they fill the informational fields, which concern the forum participant:

  • Name — login for the entrance of the forum participant.
  • Password — enter pass word.
  • Conformation — conformation of enter password.
  • E-mail — e-mail of forum participant.
Having entered the fields, a new participant is to click the key Accept and can work in a forum.

See also: Modules in Xitex WebContent M1