Ì1.SendToFriend module

Guest of your web site can send by e-mail the page which he liked or just the link. It realise the module Ì1.Send friend.

In order to built the module chose modul type "M1.SendToFriend".

Information - which is to be entered upon module creation - consists of two parts.

From the left there are fields for tuning of component configuration:
  • Module name — name of being made module.
  • Table width — size of the component presented in pixels.
  • Button label — inscription on the key for the delivery of a message.
  • Input field text — name of the field for entrance of e-mail for mailing of the page by the guest.
  • Description — summary, which is to be displayed in the top of the element.
From the right there are fields for tuning of mailing message attributes:
  • Send the page — choice of mailing type.
  • Send the link on page — choice of mailing type.
  • Reply-to address — return address in the message.
  • Message subject — text in the line "subject" of message.
  • Link label — text in the link, if the link for a page is being sent.
At that you can preview being prepared module. For that click the key Preview.
Having entered all fields, click ÎÊ.

See also: Modules in Xitex WebContent M1