You may to create web-site sections in Sections menu on the tab Site.
Menu toolbar.
Creating of the new section
- Distinguish the section on the “web-site tree” where created section will be placed (as a subsection).
- Click
Create the new section.
- Fill out lines, stated the following:
- Name — the title of the being made section.
- Z-Index — sequence number of section location in menu.
- Administrator — user who is responsible for the being made section.
- URL name — section name for Internet link
- Publicity — whether the section is visible for web-site visitors or not.
- Protected area - after setting a mark in this line the section and its content will be accessible only for limited number of web-site's visitors.
The name of the section for external link (URL) will be used as corresponding element of URL - address of a page, which is in the present section. I.e. the system will insert the name of the section between separators within the link to the page. (/
This name may consists only of symbols of English alphabet, digits, underline sign or dot. Blanks are not allowed. Ends like ".jsp" or ".do" are not allowed within these names. On this rule violation the system will propose you to change it correctly.
The system allows to create sections with the same name, if they are placed as subsections in different sections.
- After the infill of all lines you should push the button ÎÊ.
- In order that to undo the creation and return to the menu Sections you should click Cancel.
Assignment of rights to work with sections
- In order to create the users list of the section, mark it at the menu list Sections.
- Click
Change users rights.
- The window with two tables is opened.
The list of users with permission who work with this section is presented in the left table.
In the right table there is a rights list of users indicated in the left table (and marked by the red color).
- To add a user press the button
Add placed on the left hand of the list.
- There will be an offer to add the user and system users list below it on the screen.
- You should mark the selected user (some users is permissible) and click OK, this user is added to the users list of the section.
- The rights list of the user marked by the red color will be opened in the right table.
- You should mark the added user.
- In the right list you have to place one of two marks: Enable or Disable opposite each type of rights as regards the access to the section.
So the user acquires the corresponding set of rights for work with the section. It can be the right to read, or right to edit the section. This user can acquire the right to appoint rights of other users to work with the section.
- After infill of the rights list press the button OK. Before pressing this button you can countermand the made modifications pushing the button Cancel.
Rights of users already added to the list can be changed in the same way.
In case of need any user can be deleted from the current list of users working with this section.
Mark the being removed user and then press the button Delete. The user will be deleted from the list of users of this section.