Creating of templates

Choose the menu Templates on the tab Site. In this menu at the left there is a list of being created templates. In the rectangular field at the right there attributes of the template marked with a red color in the left list.

Toolbar of the menu Templates:

Add — creating of new template.
Correct — editing of the template by means of HTML code-editor.
Attributes — editing of template attributes.
Versions — the preview of previous template versions.
Delete — removal of the template from the list and system.
Languages — creating of realizations of the template for different languages.

Creating of the new template:
  1. Click Add.
  2. The window for entry of attributes of new template appears.

    There are three fields in this window.
    • In the upper field Template enter the name of the template.
    • In the middle field Notes you can enter information about being created template.
    • In the lower field Status choose the one of two variants for the work on the template: Draft or Completed.
    At the status Completed users can create the page of web site on the base of the template.
  3. Click Create confirming the creation of the new template.
  4. By means of the button Cancel you can countermand the work on template creating.
  5. After confirmation of new template creation the system switches on the Template editor M1 HTMLCoder.Java and opens its window. By means of template editor you can prepare and edit the full text of the template in the form of HTML-code.
  6. Finished the work on the template, you should use the standard exit from the editor, the system comes back to the menu Templates.
  7. Coming back to the menu Templates in the left list there will be the name of the new template marked by the red color.
  8. Information about attributes of the created template appears in the right field.

See also: actions with templates, template editor