Actions with templates
Choose the menu Templates on the tab Site.
Editing of templatesDistinguish the template with a red colour in the list and click Edit. The system activates template editor M1 HTMLCoder.Java. You can bring in any changes and supplements to the template. The exit from the menu Templates is performed in the same way as by the template creating.
Correction of template attributesDistinguish the template with a red colour in the list and press the button Attributes. The window of template attributes appears. You can bring in any required changes. The exit from the window is the same as during creating of template, but in that case you have to click Save.
Work with templates versionsIn the process of work with a template there is a possibility to track the whole history of work on this template. For that distinguish the template in the menu Templates and click Versions. The full list of all previous versions appears in the table form. Please mark a version and click Preview. You open the form of template version on the screen. Besides in case of need you can bring back a version of the template. For that click Roll, then reply to the system query about confirmation of rolling back to that version. You can go to the last menu after pressing the button Back.
Removal of templates
Please, draw attention to the fact that all pages created on the base of this template are deleted along with the template and will not be reconstructed. |
Distinguish the template with a red colour and click Delete.
The query on the confirmation of the removal follows, after confirmation the marked template is deleted from the system and the list in the menu Templates.
Creating of language realizations of templateThe system Xitex WebContent M1 allows you to prepare some page realizations for different languages. For that one realization is created for each of required languages.
In order to create the additional language realisation:
- Please distinguish the template in the list and press the button
- The windows appears, that at appearance and actions is the same as a window for creating of the template.
- There will be the list of template variants for the planned complex of languages. But it will be the same template, and the certain variant of language realization will be attached when a user selects the correspondent language. It can be after creating of pages on its base.
- Please, click
Add and enter template attributes in the appeared window where instead of the title of the template the language from the proposed list will be chosen.
- Then the creation of the language realization is performed in the same way as the creation of the template. Distinguish a template in the list and click
- After exit from the template editor the next language realization for the template appears in the list of language realizations. Actions with language realizations are exactly equal to actions with templates stated here.
Presence of language realizations in the template necessitate the presence of language changing module M1.Multiligual.
Please note, that language realizations are created within the limits of number of language realizations for the template, on base of it the page is created. |
The import of templatesIn order to use samples of templates stored outside the system Xitex WebContent M1 load them in the system in the following way.
In the lower part of the menu Templates there is a tool Load a template.
- Enter the address of downloaded template in the lower line.
- You can use the button Search to look for the template.
- If the downloaded template formed as a ZIP-archive place a mark in the line “zip archive”. One or some templates must be in archive set, and all the resources used in template. All of links to resources might be absolutely correct.
- To place attached resources in the line To the section enter the address of the section assigned for the loading.
- The system is able to search in sections of such resources those coincide with ones used in the loaded template.
Place marks in lines to determine a kind of searching:
- Search resource by name — search for the resource with name coinciding with the mentioned one in the template.
- Search resource by content — search for the resource with the same content. In this line the mark should be placed only in case if the being loaded template is formed as a ZIP-archive.
- Try to search for resources in JavaScript — search for the resource with the name that is used in the text of Java script.
- After infill of all fields press OK. The template will be loaded into the system, users can work with it.
Link names in loaded template may consists only of symbols of English alphabet, digits, underline sign or dot. Blanks are not allowed. Ends like ".jsp" or ".do" are not allowed within these names. On this rule violation the system will propose you to change it correctly.