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An educational institution's need for an easy and consistent way to manage content on their websites has grown significantly over the past few years. Xitex WebContent M1 has created the type of product that is a perfect fit for education. There are many aspects of maintaining content in an educational environment that make it a sophisticated task. With course schedules and assignments frequently changing, communicating these changes is necessary to improve the students learning experience that is fostered by focusing more on learning discussions than administrative tasks during their valuable class time.

Basically when websites for class are created, student assistants are hired by teachers and departments to manage their websites. However, these students must know HTML and learn all the particulars of a department's website if they are going to be able to utilized for updating content. So, once a qualified teacher assistants found another difficult aspect often takes effect. The constant turnover of students who graduate, transfer, or quit soon after they've learned the particulars of the job causing an education department more headaches and a stagnant website that is no longer informative. Often educational institutions require content publishers to be at the physical site of the computer network at the school. This limits the ability to change information, and is usually associated with the requirement of passing content through a web administrator at the institution.

Xitex WebContent  M1 solves all of these issues facing educational institutions. Our solutions not only eliminate the requirement of HTML knowledge and the time needed to learn the particulars of the website, but also enable administrators and teachers to close the gap between their content creation and its being posted on the website. Updates can be accomplished by the content creators, without knowledge of HTML or a steep learning curve, and with the speed of a few clicks of a button. In addition, teachers can approve the students work and track the history of their work. Further, the creation, management, and publication of content to a website can be done from any web connected browser at anytime, anywhere. This means a teacher can inform their students of a change to the curriculum from home and without the need of a web administrator to reconfigure the content. These features are precisely why academic and educational institutions would be benefited with incorporating the simplifying Xitex WebContent M1 solutions into the web content updates.

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