Government organizations are driven to create precise, accurate, and well-ordered information for the stakeholders and citizens.
The concept of “e-government” consists in the fact that the state is not the entire object, but many bodies, departments, and structures. Relationship among them has to be regulated, openly for citizens, as it means the demonstration of the democracy.
In informational society such regulating procedure means very much, more than in the industrial society. Means devoted to the simplification of the relations “individual – state” are associated with the work in Internet one way or another. Content management systems provide the special interest in this scheme. In their rank the content management system Xitex WebContent M1 plays the leading role, as its administrative functions and control upon distribution of information allow to create web-sites giving the best fit for governmental institutions.
In practical meaning, Xitex WebContent M1 can undertake the management of web-sites and all complex of informational connections in your department or institution. It will help you to organize:
- Departmental nets, like “Intranet”;
- Strict limited access to “own” data.
- Interdepartmental nets, like “Extranet”;
- Whole documents exchange with approval of materials;
- Correspondence of the staff within the system;
- Carrying out of polls;
- The most operative publication of news and announcements;
Xitex WebContent M1 changes the process of content creation, editing, and approval in a seamless workflow that meets all requirements regarding security of information.
Created with the system Xitex WebContent M1 your web-sites and departmental portals are the great base for expanding efficient relationships and interactions between administration, employees and citizens.